Tag: lwa

I’m Dropping “Little Witch Academia”

I'm on episode... seven I believe? Most of the episode topics don't really have much to do with the actual plot of the anime, other than Akko repeatedly getting herself into trouble. That's literally all that happens. It's like she doesn't learn when it comes to thinking about what could happen before she does something … Continue reading I’m Dropping “Little Witch Academia”

Finally, Something That Sticks to the Plot (LWA Episode 6 Review)

This was a rather emotional kind of episode for Akko, at least it was at the end. It kind of ruined my expectations, though this is a good thing. Akko sought to find the Fountain of Polaris in an attempt to have her "true potential" revealed to her. Thank goodness this didn't actually happen. It … Continue reading Finally, Something That Sticks to the Plot (LWA Episode 6 Review)

Diana… (LWA Episode 5 Review)

I feel like Diana is... overpowered? I'm not sure if that's the right word but that's what I'm going with for now. I like the whole "rich girl who's the best student" type of character because I can tell she's going to redeem herself in later episodes. However, there's certain things that make Diana seem … Continue reading Diana… (LWA Episode 5 Review)